GDPR In Your State? A Brief Look At Emerging Data Privacy Laws In The US

By now, most companies with a European nexus are generally familiar with the Global Data Protection Regulations (“GDPR”).  If not, where have you been? It engulfed executive, general counsel, compliance, and operations departments over…

What’s Your Play? A Case For Templating, Fallbacks, And Playbooks For Your Contracts

, One of the most riveting moments in sports is the final few minutes in a college basketball game. Why, might you ask? It is in these last moments where legendary players and great coaches are made. And,…

Rule 506B of Regulation D

, Regulation D is a part of Section 4(a)(2) of the Securities Act of 1933. This important regulation, created by the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), covers private placement security issuances.…

U.S. Government Review of Foreign Investors Grows Stronger

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Under the Foreign Investment Risk Review and Modernization Act ("FIRRMA"), the government will be able to review and reject foreign, minority investors when such investment gives the foreign investors (1) Access to material, non-public, technical…

Often Present, Rarely Applicable

While most contracts contain various clauses that clearly specify when the obligations of each party cease to be enforceable, there is one particular boilerplate paragraph present in almost every contract that is less than clear. Parties to…

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

As the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into effect in Europe, many American companies are scrambling to comply with its complexities. The GDPR was created with the goal of improving data privacy of individuals within the European…

Business Lingo

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Understanding basic business terminology is essential for anyone working with a startup. From entrepreneurs, to accountants, lawyers, and investors, or anyone hoping to break into these fields and serve business-oriented clients, being able…
fourscore business law attorney relationship

How Can Entrepreneurs Maximize their Attorney Relationship?

, , , , For entrepreneurs (or any human), working with an attorney may not be the most exciting aspect of business. But instead of viewing working with your attorney as a…

Free Download: Raising Angel & Venture Capital Whitepaper

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  For entrepreneurs the prospect of raising funds to propel business growth should come with a mix of excitement and fear. While taking angel and venture capital isn’t right for every startup, it may be the ideal financial structure…
approachable law

I Thought You Said This Would Be Simple?!

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  Have you ever approached a lawyer with a business need and walked away from the conversation feeling completely overwhelmed? Confused? This is a common story, and it just doesn't have to be that way. Our clients come to us with…