approachable law


Have you ever approached a lawyer with a business need and walked away from the conversation feeling completely overwhelmed? Confused? This is a common story, and it just doesn’t have to be that way.

Our clients come to us with complex transactions and projects because they know our goal is to make the complex understandable. Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address proves that short and simple can be extremely effective, and we take pride and joy in applying the Fourscore Principles to every interaction with our clients.

Simplifying Where We Can

The Fourscore Principles don’t mean that everything is simple, but they do mean that we take pride in simplifying where we can.  There are a lot of misconceptions out there (among business people and lawyers alike) when it comes to the simplicity or complexity of a particular project.

Some things that lawyers make complicated are actually pretty simple. And many of the projects business people think should be simple are frequently more complicated than they realize. The differences aren’t always obvious. Unfortunately, business owners often find themselves in situations where they are paying too much for simple projects and then are left without the resources for areas that need more detailed legal attention.

What Happens When Things are ACTUALLY Complicated?

Our job is to know which projects and scenarios fall into which buckets. While we’re here to make things simple and easily understandable, there are times when our job is to help our client understand that the project ahead is not as simple as they think.  In those types of projects, we get to provide value in a different way – making the complex understandable and using our creativity and up front communication style to help the client budget appropriately for the work that they need done.

We bring solid experience to the table, and with that experience comes the skills to keep the simple things simple, and handle complex transactions. When we say that we are changing the public perception of lawyers, we mean it. We shoot straight with our clients, and we make sure you walk away feeling less overwhelmed yet more confident that your business is on the right track.

No matter the degree of complexity, we work to guide you through each step of the process with clarity and an approachability that sets us apart.

What’s got you confused or concerned about your current project? We’re here to help you sort through the details and get on track.