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Core Business Documents: Understanding the Legal Agreements to Protect Your Company and Keep Your Money (Part I)

By: Maks Ewendt

As your company grows, whether that’s an increase of customers, employees, or solutions, the types and complexity of the agreements your company uses needs to keep pace.  While that may seem daunting, these agreements will become a part of your company’ foundation, and will enable continued growth while limiting your company’s liability.  This Part 1 will help you understand when your company may need to utilize legal agreements, and what types of agreements you’ll often encounter in certain situations.  Part 2 of this blog will dive deeper into specific terms and how they may impact your business decisions.

When Does My Business Need an Agreement?

A good rule of thumb to determine if your company should have a legal agreement in place is whether or not there is a transfer of value between parties.  If there is, you should have an agreement in place to describe and define such a transfer.  A company’s most common transfers for value typically fall within three categories:

Why Are Agreements Important to My Business?

While entering into an agreement requires additional steps, and time, before moving forward, there are several important reasons to take a beat to paper those transactions.

The beginning of any transaction is the best time to determine remedies for potential issues. Having this conversation early will prevent future costly and time-consuming litigation.  The more “worst-case-scenarios” that an agreement contemplates while everyone is happy and on good terms, the less likely a conflict down the road will end up in court.  This is also the best time to divy up accountability between the parties, since neither party is likely to volunteer to be accountable once something has gone wrong.

A thorough agreement will also guide the parties through important questions that may not have come up during the early conversations of a deal. Issues such as warranties, information transfer procedures, and liability caps often aren’t considered until the parties start working through an agreement.

What Relationships Should Be Accompanied By An Agreement?

In short, most. When you consider your company’s ecosystem, most of its relationships with other entities are based on transferring ideas, debt/equity, or money.  It’s important to realize that these transactions can either be incoming or outgoing for your company.  The graphic below may help you visualize all of the relationships your company may have that would benefit from having an agreement in place.

What Types of Agreements Should My Company Consider?

Several standard legal agreement types serve specific functions depending on the transaction. Keep in mind, though, that agreements can also be drafted to accomplish multiple goals within one vehicle, which will reduce the time and effort devoted to the process.  As an example, a sales agreement can (and should) include the treatment of confidential information, which alleviates the need for an additional NDA.  The below list includes examples of standard agreement names based on transaction types.




While these agreement categories set the tone for the transactions they’re used to govern, the real magic is in the clauses and specific terms that are included within each agreement.  We’ll dive into some of the most common clauses and how their terms may impact your business in Part II of this blog coming next quarter.

Headquartered in the Research Triangle region of North Carolina, Fourscore Business Law serves entrepreneurs and businesses in the Triangle, throughout the Southeast and in Silicon Valley / San Francisco. We also represent venture capital funds and other investors who invest in companies throughout the U.S. The idea of delivering maximum impact in a simple and succinct manner is what we’re calling the Fourscore Principle. And that is what Fourscore Business Law is based on. Our clients operate in a broad range of industries including tech, IoT, consumer products, B2B services and more. Questions? Shoot us an email or give us a call at (919) 307-5356. Your first call is on us.

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